June 30, 2022

Touch Grass — Fuck It All Friday Dispatch

Time to wake up and smell the ripe pollen in the air. The world is alive. Can you feel it? We live within a glorious web of messy existence. Breathe it all in. And then sneeze it all out.

Fuck it all Fridays is your weekly chance to stick it to the powers intent on untangling the intricate system the planet has grown over four billion years.

This Friday’s act of world domination: go forth and plant seeds. Collect a bunch of native wildflower seeds and scatter them in a patch where nothing but grass grows. Your neighbour’s garden, the school football field, the verge by the side of the road.

It’s the perfect non-crime. Bring life where before there was only monoculture.

Bonus points if you spell out something in flowers…

Send us pictures of what you grow, and your creation might weave its way into the next issue of Adbusters Magazine.

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Appreciate our missives? Forward this email on to a friend who would enjoy getting weekly dispatches about the global revolution.

Our rebellion is nothing without numbers. We want to get at least 1,000 new email subscribers by September 17th 2022 (the 11-year anniversary of Occupy, in case you didn’t already have it in your calendar).

Sow wildflower seeds and forward email newsletters to change the goddamn world.